The day Niamh came to visit…

The day Niamh came to visit…

Today we had a special visitor to our class. Niamh, an old student, who is now in Year 8, came to visit. She was a great help, and even taught us some soccer skills!

We had a great day, which included making newspaper constructions as a part of T & E. The task was simple… We had 45 minutes to make something out of newspaper as a gift for Mrs O’Kane. We then delivered them to her office. The cleanup was massive, but it was definitely worth it.

Canberra Parent Information Evening

Canberra Parent Information Evening

Dear Parents,

A meeting for all parents involved in the Canberra trip will be held on Monday 26th May at 5:00 pm in the staffroom. At this meeting the staff involved will provide you with further details about the Canberra trip and give parents an opportunity to clarify any questions they may have.

Thank you,

Year 6 Teachers

Book Week Dress Ups

Book Week Dress Ups

Today was the dress up day for Book Week. It was good to see so many people dressing up and raising money. Have a look at the photos below, and feel free to leave a comment.

Maths Revision- Term 2

Maths Revision- Term 2

On Tuesday we will be having a test to cover a range of the ‘number’ concepts that we have been learning this year.

This will be an important test, and I have attached some homework so that you are prepared. I have included one example of each area that may be covered in the test. There will also be some word problems.

If you can answer each of these questions, you are ready!

Please have this completed in your homework book by Tuesday, when we will go through it as a class. If you need help with anything, please let me know.

Click on the picture below so that you are able to see it clearly.

Maths Revision

Scholastic Learning Zone

Scholastic Learning Zone

Lexile has been replaced by a new program called ‘Scholastic Learning Zone’. Logging into will NO LONGER WORK. If you complete a quiz on this website it will not count towards your Lexile Points.

You must now log into

Once you are here, you need to click on Literacy Pro, and you can then complete quizzes, search for books and see your progress.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them below.

S & E Questions

S & E Questions

Today in class we were discussing the Federation of Australia and some really interesting questions came up…

Your task is to use the Internet, or ask your parents, to answer the following questions.

Please post your answers below.

1: How and why did Australia get its name?
2: When was the Northern Territory ‘created’ and why?
3: What is the difference between a state and a territory?
4: Why was New Zealand a part of early federation discussions, but decided not to continue?

Good luck!

Conductors and Insulators

Conductors and Insulators

Today we did an experiment to discover different insulators and conductors. We constructed electric circuits and tested wood, metal (drawing pins and washers), polystyrene and plastic.

We need to know the definitions of an insulator and conductor for our energy test in a couple of weeks. You will also need to know how to construct an electrical circuit, draw an electrical circuit and about different energy sources.

Conductor- A conductor is a material in which electricity easily passes through (the circuit is unbroken).

Insulator- An insulator is a material in which electricity does not easily pass through (the circuit is broken).

Mathletics and other homework

Mathletics and other homework

Hi all,

I have added another two Mathletics tasks for homework. These will be due on Friday (May 16).

Many students have not completed Mathletics tasks from last term, and I expect these to be completed.

There are also some students who are forgetting parts of their homework. Below is a list of the homework that is due over the next week.

– New Wave Mental Maths- Monday-Thursday every week
– Spelling word sort and THREE additional words- Due every Wednesday
– Run around Australia activities (one due tomorrow and another will be due on Monday next week)- We will discuss this tomorrow
– Mathletics- Due Friday
– Lexile reading- 20 minutes every night
– Lexile quiz online and blog activity (every two-three weeks, or when a book is completed)

– Energy Sources Assignment- Due Monday, May 19

Please ensure you are keeping up with your homework. These are important skills for you to be learning in preparation for high school next year. If you have any questions, please comment below or see me.

Run Around Australia- Harmony to Manjimup

Run Around Australia- Harmony to Manjimup

We have made it to Manjimup!

We have run a total of 321.8km, and are on our way to Denmark.

We will continue to research the towns we travel through, so stay tuned.

We also need to know the towns we will go through after Denmark, so feel free to comment and debate below.

I would also like you to list the towns that we have already been to.

Harmony to Manjimup

Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

This term we are learning about fractions. Our first step is to learn how to find EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS.

An equivalent fraction is when two fractions represent the same quantity. For example 1/2 is the same as (or equivalent to) 2/4.

Click on the link below to play a game exploring equivalent fractions.

Equivalent Fractions