2014 Chat Zone

Chat Zone

This is an area that you can have a chat. Please remember to use correct spelling and grammar, discuss sensible content and use sensible, positive and respectful language.

You can also use this page to ask questions about homework or to discuss class topics.

Please also use your own name- No nicknames.

This page will be removed if you do not use it appropriately.

251 thoughts on “2014 Chat Zone

  1. Mr Sim, can you ask Zhi Hao if he has 2 envelopes from the science award? We had to swap the certificates and he might have gotten my envelope. I can’t find it anywhere. πŸ™

  2. Mr sim to let you know I’m not coming to school tommorow because I have fever and I’m a reserve for 800m/400m just to let you know in advance

  3. Mr sim even if you have read the books I want you to do this challenge:, read the first Harry Potter book, then watch the movie, and do that for every other book and your life will change

  4. my lexile doesnt work…i typed my username and password then it’ll come up with a ‘select country’ thing…or maybe its just my really old ipad:/

  5. Mr Sim please answer this question before tomorrow.

    Do we summarise all the questions or most of them put into one?

    • Hi Chelsea,
      I am not 100% sure what you mean, but you can either summarise each answer that you were given, or you can transcribe it exactly as it was said. You will need to write each question and the answer to it.

      I hope this helps.

  6. Mr sim when I was on Lexile my iPad glitched and I was in the middle of the quiz and now I can’t get back to do itπŸ˜”

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