Our word problems…

Our word problems…

After learning how to multiply 1 by 2 digit numbers, and how to multiply by 10, students were set the task of writing word problems that included multiplying by 10 and multiplying 1 by 2 digit numbers (For early finishers).

This is what we came up with. Some are a bit silly, but they follow the rules. See if you can solve any and include the answer as a comment. I have included who wrote the problem for those who included their names.

1- Mr Sim bought 21.71 grams of fish food but then had to buy ten times the amount because he killed some fish. How much food does he have now?

2- Mr Sim bought 1 000 000 fish in one day. 100 000 died when Mr Sim went fishing. He multiplied the number left by 7. He then killed 7 more fish. How many fish were alive?

3- Johnny bought 17.17kg of lollies. Within 2 months he multiplied this amount by 10. He bought 7 more 17.73kg lolly bags. How many kilograms of lollies does he have?

4- Mr Sim had a HUGE fish tank so he bought 117 fish. He thought he needed some more so he bought 10 times more. When some grew older, 14 of these fish had 4 babies each. How many fish are in the tank?

5- There were 90 kids in a block and 45 had 10 letters in their name. The rest had 3 letters in their name. How many letters are there in total?

6- There were 9 people in a rollercoaster. When it came back there were 13 times more people hanging onto the bottom of it. How many were on or hanging off the rollercoaster? (Niamh)

7- Crystal had 41 jelly snakes. She split each one into 10 bits and then bought 13 more. She split these into bits of 7. How many bits does she have? (Niamh)

8- Niamh bought 5 play waters. Then she went back to the canteen and bought ten times more. Then she bought 7 times more for her friends. How many play waters did she end up with? (Abi)

9- There were 102 dogs. Then the owners got 10 times more. Then one of the dogs was lucky and had 11 babies. How many dogs were there altogether? (Abi)

10- There were 25 people on the bus then 10 times more people got on. Then there was 14 chairs left and 3 people got on each of them. How many people were on the bus? (Amy)

11- Each time Casie played with someone’s hair Casie had to write out 72 lines. Casie played with someone’s hair 9 times. How many lines did she have to write out? (Eryn)

Multiplying 2 x 2 digit numbers

Multiplying 2 x 2 digit numbers

Today we learnt how to multiply 2 x 2 digit numbers.

Have a go at these ones for homework. You can look at the ‘How to’ guide if you get stuck!

1- 44 x 25 =

2- 63 x 67=

3- 88 x 99 =

4- 7.7 x 2.6=

5- 97 x 78=

6- 7.5 x 4.6=


Multiplying by 10

Multiplying by 10

Today we reminded ourselves how to multiply ANY number by 10. We found out that to multiply a number by 10, you need to move the decimal point 1 place to the right.

If it is a whole number (for example 36) then you just need to add a zero to the end.

Have a go at the following problems in your homework book.

1) 56 x 10=

2) 361 x 10=

3) 490 x 10=

4) 52.4 x 10=

5) 99.9 x 10=

6) 105.44 x 10=

7) 1.6 x 10=

If these are super easy, try to work out what will happen if we divide any number by 10. Write your discovery as a comment below, with an example.

Maths Homework

Multiplying 1 digit by 2 digit numbers

Hi all,

Here are some maths problems to try in your homework book before Monday (Feb 27th). They are to practice what we have done in class.

Don’t forget to set out the problems correctly. If you are unsure how to do these problems, or how to set them out, go to the ‘How to’ guide at the top of the blog.

84 x 6=

92 x 9=


12.4 x 4=



Good luck! Comment on  the blog when you have finished!


Multiplication Ideas and Games


We need to get better at our times tables! We discovered this today!

Here are some quick ideas that you can do at home to practice your times tables.

  • Get mum or dad (or sister or ANYBODY) to test you. The best time to do this is when driving home, walking home or when sitting around at home.
  • Make some flashcards to test yourself (Put the questions on one side, and the answer on the other) and see how many you can do in 2 minutes.
  • Put a poster of all the times tables on a wall and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

I also found a great game to help you learn!! Have a look and see how many you can do in 1 minute (it gives you a score at the end). My best score was 45 per minute with 97% accuracy.


This site below also has a whole heap of games for times tables. I haven’t checked most of them out so let me know what you think!



http://www.mathematics.com.au/play.html  (This is a good shooting one!)

Multiplication- 2 x 1 digit numbers

How to multiply 2 x 1 digit numbers


  • Line up the numbers correctly under each other BEFORE trying to work out the problem
  • If there is a decimal point then WAIT until after you have finished the problem before putting it in
  • Have a look below to see how to multiply numbers if there is 3 digits instead of 2. It is easy once you get the hang of it!

Turn on the Tap- Samaritan’s Purse

The importance of water…

Today we watched two videos that show the importance of water in developing countries, and how we can make a difference to their lives.

We also discussed how important water was to our everyday lives, and that we quite often take it for granted.

We watched these two videos. Please leave a comment about what you were able to get out of today’s lesson.