Our School (Harmony Primary School)


Harmony Primary School is located in Atwell, a suburb approximately fifteen minutes south of Perth. The school building is unique in Western Australia, both in design and in the materials that were used to build it. Much of the building utilises recycled, recyclable and environmentally friendly materials.

The building has many features which utilise the energy from the sun and air flows to provide natural heating and cooling effects, as well as water and power saving devices to minimise the impact on the environment.

Our staff and students are committed to using sustainability processes within the school that involve refusing, reducing, reusing and recycling of waste materials. We have a thriving Permaculture and Aquaculture garden which serves as a central point for our sustainable practices. This garden provides a vehicle for both the recycling of food waste through our worm farms, as well as providing vegetables and fish to be cooked and consumed through the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Project.

Students at Harmony have many extra curricular learning experiences available to them. These include sustainability and garden work, choir and instrumental music tuition for all year levels, Active After School Sport Program, golf tuition, arts enrichment, Edudance Program and interschool sport opportunities.

We have a strong focus on the use of ICT in our learning programs and have Interactive Whiteboards in many classrooms, as well as access to several online learning programs.

Our school aims to produce students who are independent thinkers and learners, as well as being positive citizens. We actively promote our four Core Values of Care, Cooperation, Perseverance and Responsibility. We also Strive for Excellence in everything we do, whether it be arts or sports performance or academic achievement.


Please visit our School Website for more information.


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