Mental Maths Homework


Maths Fluency homework is back!

Below are links to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. All Maths Fluency homework will be posted on the blog and not handed out in class. This saves of printing at school and helps Harmony Primary School to be an energy efficient school.

You can either print out the sheets and write your answers on them, or you can just write the answers in your Homework Book. If you chose to just write the answers in your Homework Book, you will be required to rule up your Homework Book into 3cm columns and write the answers in these columns. Please have one page per operation.

Blog - homework maths fluency ruling up



ADDITION (one column due each MONDAY)
SUBTRACTION (one column due each TUESDAY)
MULTIPLICATION (one column due each WEDNESDAY)
DIVISION(one column due each THURSDAY)

Column 1 due Week 2
Column 2 due Week 3
Column 3 due Week 4
Column 4 due Week 5
Column 5 due Week 6

Please time how long it takes you to do a column and record it at the bottom. If it takes you longer than THREE minutes, you are able to stop.

You will need Adobe PDF Reader to open these files. If you are having any trouble with opening or completing these tasks, you must see Mr Sim before the due day.

Good luck!

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